Diagnostic field visit to Jhum field to identify of problem of soil and nutrient loss.

A Team comprised Jitendra Kumar, Scientist Soil Physics/SWC, Rajesh A Alone, Scientist, Agrofore stry and Doni Jini, Scientist Vetinary Extension, ICAR RC for NEH Region, AP centre, Basar conducted a diagonostic visit of Marli Doke and Mayum Riram jhum filed at Sago village of Leparada district Arunachal Pradesh under National Mission on Sustainable Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE Tf-6) to assess the Indegenous Technical Knowledge adopted by them in order to reduce soil erosion in steep slope of jhum land. The Jhum was on very steep slope hence the soil erosion was the main problem, they adopted indigenous method of using wooden log to reduce the length of slope for reducing soil erosion but they are not using enough number of wooden log to reduced control the soil and nutrient loss. Their alignment of wooden log was not in such a way keep soil intact. Therefore the suggestion was made to the them to increase the number of log and their placement so they can conserve more soil and nutrient to get good yield from the jhum field